Etobicoke 's Best Music School for Piano & Keyboard Lessons, Voice/Singing/Public Speaking Lessons, Guitar Lessons, Bass Lessons, Drum Lessons, Violin and Fiddle, Viola, Cello, Flute, Piccolo, Mandolin, Banjo, Ukulele Lessons, Theory Lessons, Preschool Program, Rock Band S'Cool, Glee Club, Saxophone, Clarinet Lessons
Call to Inquire: 416-614-7529 Toll Free: 1-844-A-Sharp-1

 A Sharp School of Music
The Royal York Plaza
1500 Royal York Road
Etobicoke, Ontario M9P 3B6
Tel: 416-614-PLAY (7529) or
416-614-SING (7464)
Toll Free: 1-844-274-2771

Piano and Keyboard
for all ages
Call Now to book a Free Introductory Piano Lesson
Piano Lessons
~ Yes, we offer piano tuning and repair ~

If you don't have a piano at home, you can rent a starter keyboard from us for only $19.50 per month. Ask us about our great deals on pianos, electric pianos, and keyboards!
For Children 4 to 6:
"Alfred's Basic Prep Piano Course" a series of fun, illustrated books which encompass all the basic piano lessons as well as exercises in technique, theory, sight reading, ear training and performance.

For Children Aged 7 and Up:
"The Glover Carr Method" Piano Course, very similar to Alfred's Basic Prep Course (above), but designed for the older child's wider attention span and ability to advance more quickly.

Preparation for Royal Conservatory of Music (R.C.M.) Piano Exams:
Students get to choose the songs they prefer from the required syllabus. Focus is also on theory, technical studies, dynamics, metering, artistic expression, sight reading and ear training.

Piano Lessons For Teens and Adults:
*** It is a common misconception that children learn to read and play music faster and more easily than adults.

"The Older Beginner Piano Course" by James Bastien. This course starts with the very basics, but moves along at an accelerated rate. By the end of the one book, you're playing Tchaikovsky! Adult/teen piano lessons can also be customized towards popular music and jazz.

Because many of our esteemed piano instructors also teach voice, piano lessons may be paired or combined with
Singing Lessons.

Piano Lessons: Practice Tip of the Week; March 24, 2025: Your teacher will advise you how long your individual practice times should be depending upon your level and age. Practicing often is more productive than having few lengthy practices. Try to make sure you practice later on the same day as your lesson, that way you can reinforce the new things you've learned before they slip your mind.

Please enjoy videos (below) of some A Sharp Piano Students performing at our annual Spring Gala Events. Practice Makes Perfect :-)

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Alexandra, Spring Gala 2016
Alexandra again, Spring Gala 2024
Karen, Spring Gala 2008
Karen again, Spring Gala 2018
Eric, off to an excellent start!